I have always loved interior design. Growing up it played a major role in my life as every house I lived in was remodeled from one end to the other. This gave me the opportunity to learn about interior design from my mom, dad and our designers, and has really inspired me today! Interior design allows a space to have a certain character or feeling, which can be established through many different design techniques and decorating styles. In the future I hope to succeed in designing a variety of interior spaces, making each special, and fit the particular feeling or style that that job requires. I can't wait to see where my passion for interior design takes me, and what the future has in store!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Final Model!

        Left View
       Center View



      Right View

     After all of the two dimensional and three dimensional abstractions, my final model evolved.  This model is meant to provide a seat and shelter for people, as you can see through the different views.  The left view shows you how the outer bench is sheltered by the curvature of the rectangles that go at a curved/diagonal angle.  The center view shows the outer bench straight on and how it would be sheltered from the sun above it and to the left of it.  The last view I have provided is the right view showing the outer bench again, and the inside shelter and bench for the first time.
        My designer, Cynthia Leibrock, inspired this whole project designed for elderly and disabled people, which is why I decided to provide another bench.  Elderly or disabled people have trouble standing or standing for a while, by providing a second bench I am able to make sure that if the bench outside was for some reason full or not suitable for sitting on, they could sit along the bench in the shelter. 
        While designing this model I thought of the materials and colors I would use, and how they  would represent my designer.  First I decided the curved rectangles that act as the roof would be made of silver metal.  By making this shelter metal, I was able to represent contemporary/ clean cut designs, as well as give my structure a high technology/ sophisticated look, as she does in many of her designs.  Next, I chose to use concrete to make up the structures actual shape.  I chose concrete because it can be manipulated into so many shapes, it doesn't get overly hot in the sun, and still gave my structure the contemporary look I was going for.  Last, I chose to make the benches out of a red wood.  I chose the red wood because it doesn't get too hot if exposed to the sun, is sustainable and provides emphasis through the red color to communicate to people that they can sit here.

        I am very pleased with the outcome of my design and could see it virtually in any climate.  If I had to pick a designated place for my seat and shelter model I would chose for it to be in the city because the contemporary look attracts people and would blend into the city atmosphere better than that of a farming one.
       The process of building all the models allowed my to see what ideas worked and which didn't.  It also allowed me to learn what materials work for this structure and what ones don't.  I really enjoyed this project because I realized this is going to be a big part of my career, as I turn things I visualize into real three dimensional structures.

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