I have always loved interior design. Growing up it played a major role in my life as every house I lived in was remodeled from one end to the other. This gave me the opportunity to learn about interior design from my mom, dad and our designers, and has really inspired me today! Interior design allows a space to have a certain character or feeling, which can be established through many different design techniques and decorating styles. In the future I hope to succeed in designing a variety of interior spaces, making each special, and fit the particular feeling or style that that job requires. I can't wait to see where my passion for interior design takes me, and what the future has in store!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Georgian pattern photoshop

I created this pattern in Photoshop.  The original seven patterns I found were from the Georgian period and then distorted each one.  This was a great lesson in learning the many tricks of Photoshop, increasing my knowledge of all the different tools. My favorite part of this project was one of the last steps where I changed the opacity back from 50 percent to 100 percent, because then I was able to see how the whole pattern worked together as a whole.

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